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Boost your home's curb appeal with expert tips

Curb Appeal 101: How To Make Your Home Stand Out

Curb appeal signifies the general aesthetic appeal of a property as literally viewed from the curb or sidewalk. In essence, its meaning is how much appeal a property exudes when seen from the eyes of another individual. Since curb appeal is one of the basic tenets to gauge how valuable your property is, boosting it is an oft-sought goal.

Homeowners try to make their property appear more attractive for several reasons. In this regard, improving curb appeal is essential whenever you are considering selling your property. 

As they say, first impressions matter. This is especially so for prospective homebuyers who may be inclined to prefer a property simply based on its looks.

In this blog, we will be going into extensive detail regarding the prominent ways you can make your home stand out among a sea of alternatives.

Without any further ado, let’s get started.

Assessing Your Property’s Curb Appeal

The main aspect of curb appeal revolves around how your property looks from the outside. This is important for getting an estimate of how much your property appeals to the external party. There are a number of prominent factors that play into this point. Whether it is the color and condition of the paint or the look of the gate, all of these factors matter. 

While other details stand out to the trained eye, the distinguishable aspects matter for the common person. That is why when assessing the curb appeal, it’s the exterior visual elements that need to be addressed. We will be discussing how exactly you can make your home stand out among a sea of houses in more detail below.

How To Make Your Home Stand Out 

1. Trimming The Lawn And General Landscaping 

Overgrown shrubbery and wild growth are not something that you want to see on your property. That is why you should apply the same logic for curb appeal. Taking care of the general landscape features is a surefire way of making your home look neat. Some ideas include trimming the lawn and eliminating any wild weed growth.

In addition, you can beautify your home by choosing specific plants to add. An assortment of flora and fauna decked out in the bright sunlight is sure to leave people swooning. Furthermore, you can also decide upon a specific theme to follow for the landscape pattern. This can range from prairie, woodland, and tropical to name a few.

2. A Fresh Coat Of Aesthetic Exterior Color

Whenever one glances at your home, the first thing that always sticks out is the paint. This is why you should prioritize it at all times. If your paint is wearing out or looking disheveled, then adding a fresh coat will prove beneficial for enhancing curb appeal. 

You should also make sure to choose colors that look attractive. To this extent, using a lighter shade of color is more appealing. In addition, taking care of the paint is not merely restricted to the walls of your home. You should also ensure your gate’s paint is in good condition and if not, you can re-apply a coat of paint.

3. Regular Maintenance And Cleanliness 

No one likes a place that looks like it isn’t taken care of. You can make sure that your curb appeal doesn’t suffer by undergoing regular maintenance. In this regard, you can get started by cleaning up your home’s windows. This is because gleaming windows will elevate your home’s look and give off a fresh vibe.

In addition, the maintenance extends to the siding. This allows you to ensure it doesn’t peel off and present an unfavorable image to any passerby. Furthermore, you can also freshen up the look of your doors for optimal results.

4. Unique Details And Architectural Quirks 

If you are seeking to make your property stand out among the rest, then it has to look unique. There is no better way of doing this than by adding distinctive touches and elements. These architectural quirks can ensure your home’s features are ingrained in the mind of an observer. 

Such features can include the addition of a luxurious deck or an outer living space. Other unique little touches like patios and pergolas may also do the job. On a more substantive level, you can also freshen up the type of the roof or some other singular touches.

5. Miscellaneous Additions And Things To Take Care Of 

There is a vast range of other options you can explore in an effort to enhance curb appeal. In this regard, lighting is an important aspect. An illuminating environment where the soft light highlights your home’s features is a great way to improve curb appeal. Gate lights and powerful garden lights may be just what you want to improve the look.

Since the driveway is an extension of your home, its maintenance must also be prioritized. The same applies to your fence which should not look unkempt or damaged. You can also try to import some visual cues from neighboring homes to create a homogenous look that still stands out on its own.


Your home is an extension of your personality. If it looks the part, then it creates a positive perception about you. Furthermore, an aesthetic home naturally has higher curb appeal. If you want to ensure your personal satisfaction or want to sell your home, then enhancing curb appeal is a must. This allows your home to stand out more. As detailed above, there are a number of ways to go about this. The general ones range from property maintenance and care which extends to all aspects. This includes the paint, landscape, lighting, and incorporating unique little details. The combined effect of these ideas makes your home look unique and one that one does not easily forget.



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